Opportunity is Calling: OYW Spotlight

This week on Opportunity Is Calling, I'd like to Spotlight the scholarships offered by One Young World (OYW) to provide young leaders who are making a difference in their communities to advance the sustainable development goals the opportunity to attend the One Young World Summit taking place in Montreal, Canada in September 2024. In addition to the two scholarships featured on this blog last week, there are three more scholarships being offered by One Young World. I had the opportunity to attend the summit in Manchester in 2022 under the Leading Africa Scholarship for the work I did then on entrepreneurship development with a focus on women and youth. The experience was so enriching, to say the least. At the Summit, I was invited to a mentorship session with Luis Javier Castro with a select group of other young African change-makers. I encourage young people who want to make expand the impact of their inititiaves to explore these scholarships, and the other opportunities featured this week in this blog.
The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity - Leonard Ravenhill
Opportunities for Students and Professionals

Mckinsey African Women Leaders
Mckinsey Africa invites all students and recent graduates who self-identify as women to join the African Women Leaders event in Paris. This is an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with McKinsey Africa experts and discover McKinsey’s impact on the continent.
Applications close on 23rd Feb 2024.
Opportunities for Entrepreneurs, Creators and Change Makers

Obama Leaders Program
The program provides people aged 45 years old and under with the opportunity to learn values-based leadership skills, cultivate relationships with others, and create lasting change in your community. It is open to leaders in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and the United States.
Applications open until Friday, February 9, 2024 at 12 pm US Central Time

OYW Lead 2030 Scholarship for Education
Deloitte is offering a scholarship to entrepreneurs and change-makers who are creating inclusive and equitable education and promote learning opportunities in the world or in their communities. The prize includes a USD$50,000 grant, and 12 months of mentorship.
Applications close on 1 March 2024.

OYW Lead 2030 Scholarship for Climate Change
A scholarship to young people who have bold solutions that reduce impacts of climate change and/or empower others to act on climate change. The prize includes a USD$50,000 grant, and 12 months of mentorship. Applications close on 1 March 2024.

OYW Lead 2030 Scholarship for Clean Water and Sanitation
A scholarship to young people who have innovations that create measurable impact by enabling access to clean water, sanitation or hygiene. The prize includes a USD$50,000 grant, and 12 months of mentorship.
Applications close on 1 March 2024.
Women in Agri Accelerator Program
A 10-week transformative program for female farmer business owners. This provides them with an opportunity to learn from industry experts, to connect with industry leaders and to take their farming venture to new heights. Open for South Africans

100x Impact Accelerator
An opportunity for social impact ventures across the globe with a 12-week acceleration powered by the London School of Economics. Applications close on 29 January 2024.
All questions related to the above opportunities should be directed to the relevant organisation in the links provided through the appropriate communication channels of the particular organisation / institution.